Strauss: Elektra (Extended Excerpts) - Synek, Hinsch-Gröndah, Leber; Kaufmann. Wiesbaden, 1964


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This recording of Elektra bears witness to the fact that in the 60s even the smallest of European houses had access to singers that today would be gracing the world's great stages. Liane Synek displays a voice that can both muster up the fury worthy of a great Elektra, while conveying the youth of the character. She is joined by Natalie Hinsch-Gröndah who delivers a chilling performance of Klytämnestra which, in my opinion, could hold its own in comparison to Regina Resnik and Irene Dalis. The rest of the cast is good and it is worth pointing out that a young Helga Dernesch sings the Aufseherin. The sound is not the best and there are a few cuts, but to lovers of this opera this recording will no doubt be a revelation.

OD 10945-2