Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier - Caballé, Zylis-Gara, Hammes, Edelmann; Pritchard. Glyndebourne, 1965


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If Montserrat Caballé had decided to eschew the Bel Canto roles that would propel her to international stardom, it is quite likely that she would have become known as one of the reigning Strauss singers of her time. Her voice embodied all of the characteristics that make a good Strauss soprano; a steely voice that can project over massive orchestras and an ability to float the most delicate pianissimo line. Her entrance in the final trio is nothing short of magic. The only thing that works to her disadvantage is a lack of understanding of the German language making some of her longer monologues seem a little vacant. She is joined by Teresa Zylis-Gara in the title role. Zylis-Gara proves the wisdom in casting a soprano in this role. Her voice has all of the heft along with an added innocence which makes her seem more credible as a 17 year-old boy. The sound is very good and Sir John Pritchard brings both Viennese finesse and an understanding of the cadence of the German language allowing him to tailor fit the accompaniment to the organic nature of Strauss' recits.

OD 10863-3