Wagner: Der fliegende Holländer - Neralic, Ericsdotter, von Rohr, Gruber; Gui. Firenze, 1957


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  • The cast in this performance of Der fliegende Holländer may not jump out at you initially, but think twice before you move on. This is a very compelling performance, in no small part to the insightful leadership of Vittorio Gui.
  • Gui was a master Wagnerian, in part, I believe, because he came from a completely different background. Unmoored from the traditions of a generation of German conductors, Gui approaches the piece with fresh eyes, and reveals a lot about the music and drama.
  • Siw Ericsdotter is a singer I had never heard of before, and she is excellent as Senta. Her steely voice fits perfectly into the part.
  • Tomislav Neralic sings the title role with ease and refinement.


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In Mono

OD 11830-2

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