Compilation: The Best of Opera in English - Featuring M. Price, Jones, Vickers and many more!
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I have wanted to do a compilation featuring opera in English for some time now. I have always felt that no matter how skilled linguistically a singer may be, there is always greater immediacy to the text that cannot be easily facsimiled when in a foreign tongue. Needless to say, being an English-speaker one also benefits from hearing the text sung in their native language. This compilation is a hodge-podge of excerpts from all sorts of styles from Purcell to Shostakovich and features singers like Margaret Price, Gwyneth Jones, Kiri Te Kanawa, Marie Collier, Astrid Varnay, Josephine Barstow, Janet Baker, Blanche Thebom, Charles Craig, Placido Domingo, Jon Vickers, Peter Glossop, Delme Bryn-Jones and Norman Bailey all singing in English!
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