Wagner: Siegfried & Götterdämmerung (Excerpts) - Shuard, Windgassen, Ward, Jones, Hoffman; Leitner. Buenos Aires, 1967
On the heals of releasing the complete 1967 Ring Cycle from Buenos Aires, I had the good fortune to come across some excerpts from a few months later with nearly the same cast, the notable exception being Amy Shuard as Brünnhilde, stepping in for Birgit Nilsson. Shuard’s approach to Brünnhilde could not be more different from Nilsson’s. Her voice didn’t have the same thrust, but instead she brought a beauty of tone and lyricism that is all to rare in Wagner. Remarkably, she manages to maintain her vocal beauty even during some of the most dramatic scenes of Act II of Götterdämmerung. The rest of the cast includes Wolfgang Windgassen as Siegfried, David Ward, as the Wanderer, Grace Hoffman as Waltraute and the luxury casting of Gwyneth Jones as Gutrune. The recording is in very good stereo sound.
OD 11065-3