Verdi: Un Ballo in maschera - Orlandi-Malaspina, Cossutta, Gorr, Bryn-Jones, Harwood; Downes. London, 1969
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This performance of Un Ballo in maschera is an excellent document of great singing from singers who left few commercial recordings. As Gustavo, Carlo Cossutta brings a burnished baritonal quality with unflinching control over the top (Although he does opt out of the c in the duet.) He is well paired with Rita Orlandi-Malaspina who posesses a similar chiaroscuro quality to her vocal production. And for baritone fans out there who think they have heard every great baritone of the twentieth century, you are in for a great surprise in the form of Delme Bryn-Jones. It is a true mystery why this superb singer didn't have a bigger career for he is truly outstanding. A Wikipedia entry indicates that "personal problems" may have interfered with ascent into super-stardom. I invite anybody who knows more about this artist to leave their thoughts below. Elizabeth Harwood is a charming Oscar and Rita Gorr, the biggest star in the cast, is an eerie Ulrica. The sound is good.
OD 10457-2