Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier - Ludwig, Jones, Grist, Kunz, Berry, Kmentt; Bernstein. Wien, 1968
This recording was from the performance that led to the Columbia recording with almost the same cast (here the Sophie is Reri Grist as opposed to Lucia Popp.) In the title role Gwyneth Jones encapsulates all the sincerity and boyish poise of Octavian. Hers is certainly one of the larger voices to assume this part which helps brings out the adolescent passion of the character. Christa Ludwig, a former Octavian of note, is the picture of grace as Marie Therese. Listening to her act I monologues one is not conscious of an artist trying to project to the back of the theater but a woman having a private moment in her boudoir. Reri Grist is pure charm as Sophie and Walter Berry is a loveable Ochs. His is certainly not a profundo voice but he sings the role well and within his means. Leonard Bernstein is right at home with the lilting waltzes and Viennese style. The sound is very good.
OD 10411-3