Cherubini: Medea - Rysanek, Denize, Luchetti, Petkov; Baudo. Arles, 1976
There was a little bit of the Greek heroine in everyone one of Leonie Rysanek's portrayals. Her fans (myself included) prize her for her intensity and generosity of tone. What surprised even this diehard fan was the control she had over her voice. Medea is an opera that lives both in the classical and romantic world. An amalgamation of Donna Anna and Abigaille. She executes both styles exquisitely. And she was nearing 50! Veriano Luchetti copes admirably with the thankless role of Giasone. Nadine Denize nearly steals the show with Neris' aria. The sound is good.
OD 10253-2