Compilation: Erich & Carlos Kleiber - Excerpts from Wozzeck, Falstaff, Otello, Elektra, Tristan & The Ring
Lauding the phenomenon of Erich and Carlos Kleiber is hardly a new pastime in the opera world and I must say that I feel a little intimidated having to do so now. Much has been said about the meticulous yet organic touch of Erich Kleiber and the idiomatic (and seemingly intentionally confusing) technical style of Carlos. What stands out in my mind about these two is that they managed to take well-known works and leave you feeling like you had never heard them prior to that occasion. Whether the fleet reading of the elder’s Meistersinger overture, or the gut-wrenching ecstasy of Carlos’ Liebestod, the two were able to invest magic into the air that couldn’t be dissected by examining tempo choices, articulation or other banal musical considerations. The two took notes and turned them into music in a way that few have done since. This compilation will bare that out and includes some early excerpts of Erich as well as some of Carlos’ rare forays into territory beyond the very few operas that he returned to so often.
OD 11174-2