Wagner: Götterdämmerung - Dvorakova, Cox, Lagger, Mazura, Rhein, Reynolds; Kölher. Nice, 1975




I have often extolled the virtues of Ludmila Dvorakova.  Here she sings the Götterdämmerung Brünnhilde.  Her voice has all of its characteristic Slavic color and warmth.  Her top however seems slightly less secure than it was in the sixties and she occasionally has to scoop up to notes.   She still manages to deliver a very exciting and compelling performance.  Jean Cox seams quite at ease as Siegfried.  His voice may not be the most glamorous but it is certainly heroic.  Peter Lagger is a wonderfully malevolent Hagen and Franz Mazura is a luxury as Gunther.  Anna Reynolds sings Waltraute and delivers a very good narrative.  The sound is very good.

OD 10358-4

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