Wagner: Parsifal (Excerpts) - Thomas, Resnik, Greindl, Neidlinger; Cluytens. Venice, 1963


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This exciting performance of Parsifal is particularly noteworthy as it features a rare Kundry from Regina Resnik. Although Resnik is not 100% comfortable with the high tessitura of the end of Act II, the trade-off is one of the most lusciously seductive Kundrys I have come across. Her throbbing middle and lower ranges would easily seduce even the purest fools among us. Jess Thomas is in top form in the title role. Josef Greindl’s bass lacks elegance as Amfortas but brings a likable everyman quality to the role. Perhaps the real star of the evening is André Cluytens who extracted lighter-than-air textures from the orchestra. The sound is good.

OD 11207-2