Wagner: Siegfried - Thomas, Lindholm, Stewart, Stolze, Greindl, Neidlinger, Bode; Maazel. Bayreuth, 1969
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By the late 1960s Jess Thomas was beginning to hit his stride in the Wagnerian rep. Although his voice was not particularly large, there was a burly quality that lent him credibility as teutonic heroes. But where he really excels is in the many lyrical passages in Siegfried, bringing a sweetness of tone that you almost never hear in Wagner. Thomas Stewart delivers a Wanderer that is knowing but not too cynical. Berit Lindholm sings one of the most exquisite Siegfried Brünnhildes I have ever heard, delivering unflinching high notes as well as creamy lyricism during ”Ewig war ich”. Gerhard Stolze’s Mime is truly definitive. Lorin Maazel brings unapologetic grandeur to the proceedings. The sound is excellent.
In Stereo
OD 11364-3