Wagner: Das Rheingold - Adam, Reynolds, Esser, Bode, Ridderbusch, Zednik; Stein. Bayreuth, 1973



1973 marked the third year that this particular Ring was in circulation at Bayreuth. Although revivals often get a bad rap, at Bayreuth, where the casts are often consistent from year to year, the director will continue to work with the singers, restaging parts of the opera and exploring new dynamics between the characters. The result is a dynamic experience in which the singers and audience benefit from the rapport that the artists have established year after year without slipping into stale routine. Not that this cast of excellent singing actors would ever let that happen. Theo Adam is magnificent as Wotan and carries most of the show with ease. Karl Ridderbusch is also a stand-out as Fasolt as is Marga Höffgen as an earthy-voiced Erda. The sound is very good.

OD 10929-2

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