Strauss: Elektra - Schlüter, Kupper, Hammer, Markwort, Hager, Neidlinger; Jochum. Hamburg, 1944


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  • It's fun to consider that at the time of this recording, Richard Strauss was still very much a "contemporary" composer. And although Elektra had been around for a couple of decades, one gets the sense, thanks to the masterful conducting courtesy of Eugen Jochum, that the ink was not at all dry. There is a vitality to the interpretation and it is free of the traditions that have ossified into most performances of Elektra one hears these days. I also appreciated that a number of the standard cuts were opened.
  • Erna Schlüter is a power-house in the title role, excelling equally in the dramatic moments as well as the delicate passages. Listen to the sample below and marvel at her breath-control. It would rival the greatest Norma.


  • None to mention.

In Mono

OD 11965-2