Wagner: Der fliegende Holländer - Stewart, Silja, Greindl, Olvis, Chookasian, Winkler; Suitner. Bayreuth, 1965



Thomas Stewart's voice was a true rarity in the land of Wagner in as much as he was a true baritone and not a pushed up bass-baritone.  Nor did he ever get intimidated by the size of Wagner's orchestra, singing as if he were singing bel canto and never barking.  Consequently his Dutchman seems to be younger than that of, say, Hans Hotter, and making him seem like he could actually be an appropriate match for Senta.  Stewart's youthfulness of tone is an excellent foil for the Senta of Anja Silja, who was still in her mid-twenties at the time of this performance.  She takes the aria in the higher key.  Her Senta seems to be a young woman coming of age but still stuck on her childhood obsession.  Josef Greindl sings Daland and conveys the kind of clueless warmth and bon ami that works very well in this role.  Otmar Suitner's conducting is on the fast side but compelling.  The sound is very good.

OD 10438-2

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