Verdi: Il Trovatore - McCracken, G. Jones, Cossoto, Sereni, Vinco; Quadri. Wien, 1966
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This is a truly valuable document as it preserves Gwyneth Jones and James McCracken in roles they never recorded. McCracken is perfect in this part. Some might not have liked the color of his voice but he brings a big burly tone with extraordinarily secure high notes. Few voices of his size had that kind of control of his top. Gwyneth Jones' great acting skills might have been wasted in this two-dimensional part, but she focuses her energy into creating beautiful Verdi lines. Fiorenza Cossotto, at the height of her powers, sings with abandon. She straddles the line of going over the top but the vocal production is so amazing, it is easy to forgive. The sound is absolutely amazing although unfortunately "Ai nostri monti" is not included."
OD 10246-2