Verdi: Aida - Zeani, Vickers, Chookasian, Braun; Mehta. Montréal, 1965
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Honesty always being the best policy, I will be upfront about the fact that the sound is not stupendous on this recording of Aida and there are a few sections that are missing (mostly at the top of scenes.) However, I didn't have the heart to axe this recording because there is a real performance here and it features some singers who did not sing these roles that often. I thought that Virginia Zeani's voice might be a little light in this role. She almost instantly proved me wrong. Jon Vickers' sounds as convincing in Italian rep as I have ever heard him, singing with remarkable confidence and power. Lili Chookasian voice is even throughout the her entire range and soars up to the b flats in the judgement scene with ease.
OD 10977-2