Puccini: Madama Butterfly - Olivero, Cioni, Zanasi; Rescigno. Napoli, 1960


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This performance of Madama Butterfly captures Magda Olivero at the zenith of her vocal and interpretive powers.  It is true that if you are used to the kind of opulent Puccini singing of Stella and Tebaldi you might be slightly disappointed with her slender lyric soprano but she more than makes up for it in style and sincere sentiment (without veering towards the sentimental.)  "Un bel dì" is one of the most vivid accounts I have ever heard.  She uses her voice to paint more than sing.  Renato Cioni is a sturdy Pinkerton and Mario Zanasi is a suave Sharpless.  The sound is good.

OD 10486-2