Donizetti: Anna Bolena (With Piano) - Galvany, Eton, Ramey, Geis; Boyagian. New Jersey, 1971




Coming of age as a musician in the world of opera, I participated in many different amateur and student productions as I slowly worked my way up the ladder. For the most part those productions met my expectations (which were rather low) but every once in a while I would find myself in some church basement working next to an artist who was destined for stardom. However, in this performance of Anna Bolena, performed with just a piano, lightning strikes twice in the form of Marisa Galvany and a very young Samuel Ramey. Both artists deliver world class performances in what must have been very modest surroundings, particularly Galvany who relishes every interpolated high note and then turns on a dime to offer chesty low notes that would be the envy of any mezzo-soprano. The sound is generally good, although there is some music missing from this performance.

OD 11548-2

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