Wagner: Die Walküre - Hunter, Mazura, Andrew, Sarroca, Denize; Lombard. Strasbourg, 1974





  • Franz Mazura was well known for his portrayals of the great character baritone roles like Alberich and Klingsor. This rare turn for him as Wotan demonstrates that he was fully capable of carrying an entire evening both dramatically and vocally. He sings the notoriously difficult part with commanding security - a testament to his rock-solid vocal technique. What truly makes this performances special, however, is his incredible commitment to the text. All of Wotan's monologues actually come across as monologues. They are conversational in nature, and go far to enhance the story-telling during moments that can often feel like lulls in the drama.
  • Rita Hunter makes Brünnhilde's music sound downright easy, all while bringing a lyrical quality to the vocalism that comes across more Mozartian than Wagnerian.
  • Nadine Denize makes a strong impression during her brief appearance as Fricka.
  • Alain Lombard, extracts warmth and lyricism from the orchestra.


  • There are two small breaks in the recording, one during Wotan's Act II monologue and one during his Act III monologue.

In Mono

OD 11842-3

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