Strauss: Elektra - Goltz, Zadek, Klose, Lorenz, Schoeffler; Böhm. Wien, 1954


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Even though many of these names may not have endured the test of time, in 1954 you could not have assembled a better cast for Elektra. Christa Goltz, better known as Salome, brings her silvery tone to the title role with abandon yet never seemingly have to push. Hilde Zadek's voice may not have been the most beautiful but she navigates the demands of the part deftly. For me the real revelation was Margarete Klose. She is able to both convey Klytämnestra's distress without sacrificing the glamor and beauty of her voice. From this performance it is clear, even without seeing, her that she must have been an extraordinary actress. We are also treated to the Orest of Paul Schoeffler and the Aegisth of Max Lorenz. Karl Böhm leads a very lyrical interpretation giving extra Viennese lilt to the many waltzes that pepper the work. I am afraid that the sound is not ideal but the strength of the performances helped to overcome those shortcoming at least for me.

OD 10819-2