Mascagni: Il piccolo Marat - Zeani, Rossi-Lemeni, Martinucci, Borgonovo; Martini. Padova ,1976



There have been many composers over the ages but only a select few have created works that have survived.  I can only imagine that it must have been a source of great frustration for Mascagni that his most successful opera was also his first.  Il piccolo Marat, written over thirty years after Cavalleria Rusticana, shows a more mature point of view and a composer that has been influenced by the modernist movement.  That is not to say that there aren't lush orchestral textures and beautiful melodies straight out of the great Italian tradition.  A young Nicola Martinucci sings the title role with ardent fervor and ringing high notes.  The real star, however, is the great Virginia Zeani.  Nearing the end of her career she still sings with security and freshness of tone and, of course, great Italian style.  Her husband, Nicola Rossi-Lemeni sings the part of the evil "presidente."  It would be great if a full production of this work would be mounted as it is definitely worth consideration.  The sound is very good.  I have included as a bonus the act II duet from Der fliegende Holländer, sung in Italian, with Zeani and Antonio Boyer.

Virginia Zeani & Antonio Boyer sing the Act II duet from Der fliegende Holländer (In Italian)

OD 10414-2

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