Cilea: Adriana Lecouvreur - Caballé, Cossotto, Carreras, D'Orazi, Vinco; Masini. Tokyo, 1976



Adriana Lecouvreur is one of those operas that only works with great singers in the leading roles.  With Montserrat Caballé and José Carreras, we have a good argument for this opera.  Both of them sing exceptionally but besides the singing, whenever the two of them were on stage together there was chemistry born out of their deep friendship that few operatic couplings could match.  Carreras is in particularly good voice.  His solo in the Act I duet is particularly remarkable.  Fiorenza Cossotto cornered the operatic market with regards to hysterical, spurned lovers and here she shows why.   The best word to describe her portrayal is "formidable."  I certainly would never want to rub her the wrong way.  The sound is superb.

OD 10419-2

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