Wagner: Tristan und Isolde - Lindholm, Nuotio, Minton, Cold; Gielen. Amsterdam, 1974





  • This (partial) performance of Tristan und Isolde captures, in pristine sound, the Swedish soprano Berit Lindholm at her absolute vocal peak. Lindholm's rise came as Birgit Nilsson was beginning to ease her way out of some of the more demanding Wagnerian roles. A tough act to follow to be sure, but Lindholm manages to hold her own matching Nilsson in vocal intensity as well as sumptuous lyricism.
  • Pekka Nuotio makes an impressive showing of his music in Acts I & II. It is a pity that his extended scene in Act III (the true test of any Tristan) is missing.
  • Yvonne Minton's warm mezzo-soprano is well-cast as Brangäne.


  • Act III begins with the Liebestod.

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OD 11710-2

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