Berlioz: Les Troyens - Gedda, Horne, Verrett, Luchetti, Massard, Clabassi; Prêtre. Roma, 1969
At the risk of coming across hyperbolic, this may be one of the finest performances of Les Troyens ever. Nicolai Gedda, who never sang this part on stage, is ideal. He sings both the heroic parts and the lyrical parts credibly and with amazing technique. He tosses off the high C in “Inutiles regrets” like it is nothing. Shirley Verrett is imposing and tragic as Didon and Marilyn Horne sings a very exciting Cassandra. If that weren’t enough you get Veriano Luchetti as Iopas. The sound is excellent.
OD 10083-3
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I am a bit biased since I love Nikolai Gedda being Swedish, but the performance and the recording was marvellous.
How did I miss this one for so long?
This is a terrific performance. All the singing is excellent as is Pretre's conducting. The cuts do not disfigure the performance. It's wonderful to hear Gedda, Horne, and Verrett in these roles with which they are not regularly associated. It would be nice to know the rest of the cast as Narbal, Panthee, and Hylas are not credited and are quite good. I'm glad I finally caught up with this recording.
Richard Bernas
This was brilliantly cast with Horne and Verett really well contrasted as Cassandra and Dido. They are both exceptional. Gedda's ease in a difficult role almost conventionalises it; he turns the conflicted hero so thrillingly sung by Vickers and Heppner into a 19th century French Tenor. But it's a legitimate take on the role, and sets it within the tradition. The under-rated Massard is also first rate. I am used to Colin Davis' approach to Berlioz and Pretre is a bit slacker rhythmically, generally less dramatic and severe in his view. Berlioz' roots in Gluck are pretty much ignored. But he doesn't prevent the singers from doing a great job and the orchestra plays well enough.