Tchaikovsky: Eugene Onegin (In German) London, Rysanek, Dermota, Frick; Klobucar. Wien, 1955



This performance of Eugene Onegin captures a generation of young singers poised for international stardom. George London scales back his formidable bass-baritone to deliver a nuanced performance, offering suave lyricism when Onegin rebukes Tatyana and dramatic heft during the final moments of the opera when it is Tatyana who is doing the rebuking. He is well-matched by Leonie Rysanek who, still in her twenties, sings with youthful optimism in the letter scene and elegant grandeur in the final act. Gottlob Frick shows that his black bass was capable of more than just menace during Gremin’s moving aria and Anton Dermota is a worthy Lenski. The sound is very good.

OD 11323-2

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