Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier - Lear, Fassbaender, Popp, Ridderbusch; Kleiber. Milano, 1976




  • In 1976 Carlos Kleiber treated the Milanese public to his legendary interpration of Der Rosenkavalier.
  • Evelyn Lear, although late in her career, brings poise and sincere feeling to the Marschallin.
  • Brigitte Fassbaender and Lucia Popp, frequent collaborators in these parts, bring youthful oppulence to their respective roles.
  • From his first vocal entrance Karl Ridderbusch's Ochs exudes coarse elegance, elevating the characer from a commedia dell'arte cliché to something a little more refined and human.
  • The sound is very good.


  • None to mention

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OD 11660-3

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