Strauss: Elektra - Mastilovic, Harper, Meyer, Lewis, McIntyre; Kempe. London, 1973



Danica Mastilovic may have suffered by being in the shadow of Birgit Nilsson when she was singing.  I think today she would have been much more appreciated today with the dearth of singers to sing this role.   The real point of interest for me in this recording is the Chrysothemis of Heather Harper, the exquisite British singer.   Her voice is so rich and refulgent and seems made for this role.  It is possible that due to her relationship with Benjamin Britten she was unfairly pigeon-holed as an "English Singer."  She should have had more opportunities to sing this rep!  Richard Lewis as Aegisth is a bit of luxury casting.  The sound is very good.

OD 10173-2

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