Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg - Schöffler, Seefried, Beirer, Frick, Kunz; Reiner. Wien, 1955



Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg has had a complex history. Its admirers praise its unmatched humanity and Richard Wagner’s brilliant formal structure, while its detractors struggle with Sachs’ Act III monologue, which can feel uncomfortably close to Third Reich ideology—despite being written a generation earlier. This performance, however, seems to focus on reconciliation. Staged in Vienna just ten years after the war, there is a palpable urgency in conveying the opera’s true essence: a celebration of art, German and otherwise. A particularly moving moment occurs in Act III, when the entrance of Hans Sachs is met with a spontaneous and prolonged ovation—what prompted it remains unknown, but the raw emotion on and off the stage is unmistakable.

The cast delivers strong performances, led by Paul Schöffler, whose Hans Sachs is deeply compelling. Irmgard Seefried is a charming Evchen, while Hans Beirer proves that beyond the sheer power of his voice, he possesses genuine artistry—his Preislied is both burnished and sweet, executed with remarkable finesse, even at the deliberate pacing set by Fritz Reiner, who otherwise leads an organic and spirited performance. The sound quality is excellent, though, in the interest of full disclosure, there is some mild clicking on the last CD, totaling about 40 seconds.


OD 10511-4

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