von Einem: Kabale und Liebe - Silja, Beirer, Weikl, Berry, Mödl, Fassbaender; von Dohnanyi. Wien, 1976
It is always very exciting when I find a recording of an opera that I had no idea existed (It is amazing and humbling that after decades of dedication you can still find new interesting works that further broaden your scope of what opera is.) This is just such a work. Written in 1975, this work does not belong to one school of composition but is made up of a pastiche of styles including jazz, atonality and a clear influence of neo-classicism. It is based on the work by Schiller which also served as the inspiration for Luisa Miller (needless to say the similarities end there.) The Wiener Staatsoper spared no expense in assembling some of the great singers of the day including Anja Silja, Hans Beirer, Brigitte Fassbaender, Bernd Weikl, Walter Berry and Martha Mödl. All seem to be inspired by the newness of the project and do their best to advocate for this work's many merits. The sound is excellent.
OD 10455-2