Mascagni: Cavalleria Rusticana - Souliotis, Cecchele, Guelfi; Muti. Firenze, 1971


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  • Cavalleria Rusticana is an opera that takes a team of incredibly talented artists to elevate it from verismo camp to the compact, yet deeply moving drama that it can be; a feat that this performance achieves in spades.
  • Although the bloom was beginning to fade from Elena Souliotis' soprano, she still had enough command over her formidable voice to sing with abandon and poignant lyricism, giving Santuzza's predicament visceral desperation.
  • Gianfranco Cecchele's suave tenor makes for an ideal Turridù (you can really hear why Santuzza would be so infatuated with him.)
  • Giangiacomo Guelfi's gargantuan baritone gives Alfio a double dose of menace.
  • li>Riccardo Muti reading of the score is nothing short of masterful.


  • The beginning of the Santuzza/Turridù duet is missing.

In Stereo

OD 11706-1