Puccini: La fanciulla del West - Silja, Ilosfalvy, Janulko, Feller; Mackerras. Köln, 1976


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I don't think that anyone would say that Anja Silja's voice was made for Puccini, yet she sang Tosca, Liù and here Minnie.  If she does not have the lush tone we associates with great  Puccini singers, she brings a deep commitment to portrayal of her roles and a voice that will not be covered by an orchestra (a definite bonus.)  She is very well suited to the tom-boy part of Minnie and she plays the part with childish innocence.  Sir Charles Mackerras, no Puccini specialist either, leads a well-paced performance.  The performance is sung in German.

OD 10167-2