Wagner: Das Rheingold - Adam, Burmeister, Windgassen, Silja, Ridderbusch, Neidlinger; Suitner. Bayreuth, 1967





  • Otmar Suitner, taking over for Karl Böhm, delivers a finely tuned, and detailed vision of the preliminary night of the Ring.
  • Theo Adam brings ample sound, as well as a prosaic, recitative quality to the role of Wotan.
  • Wolfgang Windgassen, as Loge, manages to elevate the character from side-kick to formidable player who can hold his own with the gods.
  • Anja Silja is a real stand-out as Freia, as is Gustav Neidlinger's classic Alberich.


  • None to mention.

In Stereo

OD 11619-2

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