Donizetti: Don Pasquale - Corena, Grist, Bonisolli, Kerns; Carr. Geneva, 1966
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Yes, you are reading right. Although Franco Bonisolli was known for heroic roles towards the end of his career he started out singing Bel Canto (his Met debut was Almaviva.) His voice is incredibly sweet and free of his later mannerisms and he maneuvers his way around Ernesto's lines with ease. There is also a dark color present, pointing towards the path of dramatic rep. Reri Grist is delightful as Norina. You can almost see the smile on her face as she has fun with her colleagues. Veteran Fernando Corena shows the buffoonish charm of the title character but also makes you feel sorry for the old guy. The sound is very good.
OD 10266-2