Strauss: Die Frau ohne Schatten - Eipperle, Windgassen, Kinasiewicz, Fischer, von Rohr; Leitner. Stuttgart, 1954
If you can forgive the sonic failings of this recording, you will find a compelling and unique performance of Die Frau ohne Schatten. The most well-known singer in the cast is Wolfgang Windgassen, and although he would go on to dominate the world of Wagner he sang very little Strauss. He manages the high tessitura of the Emperor with impressive skill, maintaining the core of his lyrical instrument without pushing. Trude Eipperle as the Empress is ravishing, the beauty of her shimmering soprano matched only by its power. Res Fischer seems to enjoy the Amme’s conniving without descending into pure camp. As mentioned above the sound is not the best particularly in Act III. The beginning of Act III is missing before the Färberin’s big scene and the last few minutes of the opera are also lost. I have included the final quartet from a performance featuring Ingrid Bjoner, Sebastian Feiersinger, Gladys Kuchta and Mino Yahia.
OD 11262-3