Beethoven: Fidelio - Dernesch, Dowd, McQueen, McIntyre; Gibson. Glasgow, 1970
Every once and a while a singer whose artistry you thought you understood surprises you. I had such a moment while listening to this performance of Fidelio with Helga Dernesch. Although I have always admired the unique color of Dernesch's voice, I have also found her a little wooden on stage. However, in this performance she totally inhabits Leonore with a conviction that I didn't know she possessed. As compelling as she is in the arias and ensembles, she is even more intense in her dialogue, overshadowing all of her colleagues. Despite Ronald Dowd's naturally heroic voice, his Florestan comes across a bit flaccid. Donald McIntyre makes for a formidable Don Pizarro. The sound is very good.
OD 11040-2