Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg (In Swedish) - S. Björling, Svanholm, Söderström, Tyrén, Lundborg, Talvela; Sandberg. Stockholm, 1962
- This recording of Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, despite being in Swedish, is a pretty impressive achievement courtesy of the Royal Swedish Opera.
- Sigurd Björling brings gravitas and warmth to the role of Hans Sachs.
- Elisabeth Söderström's youthful yet powerful soprano is perfectly cast in the role of Eva.
- Set Svanholm gives a valiant and indefatigable performance of Walther von Stolzing without even considering the fact that he was almost 60.
- A young Marttia Talvela sings the role of Hans Foltz.
- None to mention.
In Mono
OD 11693-4
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Caveat emptor (buyer, be advised that .......)
This is a great MEISTERSINGER and I'm very happy with it. It's unusual in that everyone-- Walther, Sachs, Eva, Pogner, David, Kothner, Beckmesser, all the little roles, the chorus, the orchestra, and the conductor, everyone-- is wonderful. And it's easy to get used to the Swedish. All in all, a lovely performance. BUT... ... be advised, gentle reader, that Martti Talvela, who is listed in the description, does NOT sing Pogner or Sachs; he is Meister Hans Foltz (the copper-smith) who only sings four syllables aloud (while Kothner is taking attendance in Act 1) and other than that only sings in the large ensembles, with many other singers singing at the same time. So buy this recording, by all means, but don't buy it for Martti Talvela.
Nice Meister
This is a fine performance in good sound. I bought it to hear Svanholm and, on the whole, he didn't disappoint. He was strained in some arias but overall was fine. The rest of the cast was also very good. I didn't mind the performance in Swedish. Soderstrom was also fine in the ensembles but a little hard in her arias. On the whole, very nice and I would recommend as an alternative.
Swedish Meistersinger from Stockholm 1962
An excellent performance, even in a different language. All the soloists are magnificent, especially S. Björling and Söderström. Svanholm pushes a bit but it was late in his career. The glory of the performance is the orchestra under the direction of Sandberg. The sound quality is amazing. This is a Meistersinger to treasure.
Good and professional
Interesting performance. I think that the first act is the best, a nice chorale, a good David’s lesson to Walther. The swedish language in Beckmesser gives him less bitterness.