Wagner: Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg - Frantz, Aldenhoff, Lemnitz, Unger, Böhme, Pflanzl; Kempe. Dresden, 1951





  • Ferdinand Frantz is without question a Hans Sachs for the ages, combining virile, masculine tones with the heart of a poet.
  • Tiana Lemnitz is radiant as Eva.
  • As Walther, Bernd Aldenhoff's voice is on the more dramatic end of the spectrum, but his solid technique carries him through some of the passages that bare a closer resemblance to Mozart than Wagner.
  • In the smaller parts there are some fun cameos including Theo Adam as Hermann Ortel and Gerhard Stolze as Augustin Moser.
  • I would be remiss if I didn't mention the exemplary playing of the Dresdner Staatskapelle under the direction of Rudolf Kempe.
  • The sound is outstanding.


  • None to mention.

In Mono

OD 11639-4

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