Wagner: Siegfried - Svanholm, Flagstad, Herrmann, Weber, Höngen; Furtwängler. Milano, 1950 (Plus Bonus Act III - 3-24-1950)


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  • Set Svanholm's lyric, sweet-voiced Siegfried is a marvel.
  • Kirsten Flagstad sings "Ewig war ich" with exquisite beauty, and fearlessly soars over the massive orchestra in the final moments of the opera.


  • In any other context Josef Herrmann's Wanderer would be perfectly satisfactory, but after Ferdinand Frantz' sterling portrayal in the first two operas, he comes across a bit disappointing.

Act III, scene ii of Siegfried. March 24, 1950. Svanholm & Flagstad

In Mono

OD 11570-4