Wagner: Lohengrin - Kollo, Bode, Schröder-Feinen, McIntyre, Crass; Varviso. Bayreuth, 1972
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If the Bayreuth of the 1970s lacked the star power of the Bayreuth of the 1960s, it made up for this fact by championing young talented Wagnerians, some who would go on to major careers, and others that would burn out. René Kollo’s lyrical tenor is captured at the peak of its glory. Some of the lyricism would fade as he delved deeper in the Wagnerian rep, but he manages here to convey all of the purity and braun of the Swan Knight. Ursula Schröder-Feinen is a ferocious Ortrud, not sparing in the slightest particularly during ”Entweihte Götter” which is nothing short of hair-raising. Hannelore Bode lacks the angelic quality that separates the good Elsas from the great Elsas. However, given the demands of the role, a good Elsa should hardly be taken for granted. Donald McIntyre is in superb voice as Telramund. The sound is excellent.
OD 11260-3