Wagner: Götterdämmerung - Varnay, Hopf, Frick, Cordes, Meyfarth, Kraus, Välkki; Kempe. Bayreuth, 1963





  • Astrid Varnay, although nearing the end of her soprano days, still has the goods to deliver an impeccably sung and acted Brünnhilde.
  • Gottlob Frick's machiavellian Hagen is one for the ages.
  • Otakar Kraus' brief appearance as Alberich nearly steals the show.
  • Rudolf Kempe paces the evening very well, offering a sincere interpretation free of mannerisms and ego.


  • Although remarkably sturdy, Hans Hopf's Siegfried is a bit wooden.

In Mono

OD 11539-4

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