Wagner: Der Ring des Nibelungen - Varnay, Välkki, Adam, Hotter, Hopf, Frick, Uhl, Wiener, Hoffman; Kempe. Bayreuth, 1963





  • This cycle treats the listener to two Brünnhildes: Anita Välkki's youthful soprano is in excellent form in Die Walküre and Astrid Varnay summons up enormous dramatic reserves in Siegfried and Götterdämmerung.
  • The part of Wotan is different in each opera, offering a pot pourri of great bass-baritones: Theo Adam in Das Rheingold, Hans Hotter in Die Walküre and Otto Wiener in Siegfried.
  • Gottlob Frick's Hagen, in the history of great villains, is up there with Bela Lugosi.
  • The cycle also features Franz Crass as Fasolt, Grace Hoffman as Fricka and Otakar Kraus as (a superb) Alberich.


  • Jutta Meyfarth, as Sieglinde, is nowhere near the level of her colleagues.

In Mono

OD 11540-13

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