Wagner: Die Walküre - Välkki, Meyfarth, Hotter, Uhl, Hoffman, Frick; Kempe. Bayreuth, 1963



This recording of Die Walküre is missing many of the names (i.e. Nilsson, Varnay, Rysanek) that we have come to associate with Bayreuth in the 1960s. Please do not let that deter you because I think you will be pleasantly surprised. In the title role Anita Välkki is remarkable. Her voice is youthful in nature but is also tireless in the dramatic moments which carries her far in creating a Brünnhilde, who although a teenager, has an iron will worthy of her father. The same may be said for Jutta Meyfarth whose Sieglinde is both youthful and opulent. Hans Hotter, no stranger to Bayreuth, delivers a noble Wotan. Fritz Uhl, Grace Hoffman and Gottlob Frick round out this unexpectedly inspired cast. The sound is good although it does get off to a rather rocky start in the opening minutes of the opera.

OD 10994-3

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