Gluck: Iphigénie en Tauride - Caballé, Wolanksy, Cox, Schoeffler; De Almeida. Lisboa, 1961


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This a fascinating document as it displays a young Montserrat Caballé before her star had ascended to the lofty ranks it did. In addition, it is a rare performance of Richard Strauss' arrangement of Gluck's score. Not surprisingly Strauss favors a more romantic approach to the orchestration which can seem a little anachronistic, however it also highlights how far ahead of his time Gluck was. As for Caballé, I can't imagine a better soprano in this part. Her voice has both the innocence and the power that one would expect of one of the most quintessential martyrs in all of literature. The sound is good.

OD 10661-2