Bellini: La Sonnambula - Callas, Monti, Zaccaria, Cossotto; Votto. Köln, 1957


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Maria Callas has been credited with restoring interest in Bellini’s La Sonnambula and this performance shows why. She brings a hypnotic quality to Amina’s music, scaling back her large soprano without sacrificing any of the opulence of her tone. If anything she has done a disservice to the opera as after hearing her in this role it is very difficult to imagine any other singer in it. Nicola Monti acquits Elvino’s high-lying music with security, Nicola Zaccaria is sturdy as Rodolfo and a young Fiorenza Cossotto displays her promise as Teresa. But the evening (and perhaps even the role) belong solely to Callas.

OD 11292-2