Bellini: Norma - Souliotis, Tatum, Cecchele; Cillario, 1967


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This 1967 concert performance captures a rare moment. Before the final scene of the opera, the performance grinds to a halt for several minutes as Elena Souliotis refuses to go on after being booed during the Act II duet. She eventually emerges as the opera concludes, but the audience’s reception has gone from heavily divided and passionate to cool and polite. Whether or not Souliotis deserves the vociferous booing she receives, I will leave to the individual listener to decide. Nancy Tatum and Gianfranco Cecchele fill out the love triangle, and Luigi Roni’s rock-solid Oroveso provides the best singing of the evening. There is a brief drop-out at the end of Act II.

OD 11263-2